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Mechatronics and Theory of Mechanisms Team

Conference Program

First Day (8.07.2026):

Registration (9:00)
Opening ceremony (9:30)
Plenary session (10:00)
Cofee break
Session I (12:00-14:00)
Lunch brake
Session II / Poster session (​15:00-17:00)
Welcome cocktail (19:30)

Second Day (9.07.2026):

Plenary session (9:00)
Cofee break
Sessions (11:00-13:00)
Excursion/Social program (14:30-17:30)
Gala dinner and award ceremony (19:30)

Third Day (10.07.2026):

Sessions I (9:30-11:30)
Cofee break
Session I (12:00-14:00)
Lunch brake

Closing ceremony (15:00)

Detalied program of conference will be published in due time.

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2025